Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Better Days

So what do better days mean to me? Well, literally? nothing! Except for a few facts that I was really never have gotten over with like the times I've spent with myself thinking of this beautiful girl in F.G Calderon a year higher than I in high school. Her name is Minda and my ate used to make fun of her name calling her Minda Mora for some reason I find funny just saying the name.

Anyway, it's just an old time long ago crush I had back in high school. Never saw the girl after she graduated. Even during the grand alumni reunion to which I never thought about looking for her somewhere in the crowd, i never saw her. It's just part of a happy memory not going home straight even after school because I had to go watch her march with her model platoon in CAT. Her real name by the way is Melinda.

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